Sunday, March 24, 2013


We certainly were blessed with a great baby.  She let her mom sleep almost 5 hours last night wahoo.  Here are a few things we have loved about Miss Evie this week. 

1) She is great about going back to sleep at night.  She wakes, eats, does a diaper change and goes back to sleep. 

2) We are doing a lot better with breastfeeding.  Still using the guard, but its working so we will keep it.  A little nervous about going out in public still and needing to feed her…ill let you know how it goes. 

3) When she is done eating and right before she falls asleep she gives us big smiles.  I love to look at her cute dimples.   

4) We made it to sacrament meeting this week.  I love these small victories.  We all were showered, dressed, hair done, and on time.  Evie wore my blessing dress to church.  It was so great to see her in an outfit that I used to wear.  Thank you  mom and dad for keeping that special outfit and countless others. 

5) She has decided to start peeing on everything…especially me.  Not so sure how I feel about Huggies diapers haha or my ability to put a diaper on her.   

6) Grandma Reber came to visit and we have loved having her here.  Evie loves to snuggle with her and seems to calm right down in her arms. 

7) We went on a great walk this week.  She loves to sit in her carseat and it seems to put her right to sleep.  I am a huge fan of our carseat and stroller!

8)  She gets really bad indigestion.  It makes me so sad to see her scruntch her little legs up against her stomach.  It’s a big victory when she burps because we know it will help her later on. 

9) She loves to spend time on her stomach. 

10) Evie got her first real bath.  She absolutley loved being in the warm water and cried like crazy when we took her out.  


Doug and Bethany said...

She is so so cute and I can't wait to meet her! Pampers are hands down the best newborn/ size 1 diapers. Huggies seem to have gaps in the legs when they are that small. Hooray for 5 hr stretches

La Cité des Vents said...

For the indigestion issue, try an 'osteopathe'. It has done wonders with Gabriel and Sophie. And do have one session too, the mothers are always in a bad shape after given birth and osteopathy helps a great deal!