Thursday, April 18, 2013

First Doctors Appointment

Our first Dr. appointment was Friday, March 8th.  We had to go in to have her jaundice levels tested.  That morning Josh had to go back to school and my mom had not yet arrived in El Paso so my great friend Stephanie Condie came over to help me get up and ready to go.  She was such a great help that day.  I don’t know what I would have done without her.  When we arrived at the appointment Josh surprised us and was waiting in the parking lot.  He was able to sneak away from school to be with us.  Once the nurse called us back we were able to weigh and measure Evie.  She had gained 8 oz (looking back now it was all due to the massive amount of pooh she was holding in) and was measuring at 21 ¼ inches long.  Our girl definitely knows how to grow.   We went back to our room and began to wait for the Dr. to come in.  Josh and I were both worried that her levels were not going to change because she had not had a bowl movement (necessary to release bilirubin).  While waiting miss Evie had a wet diaper.  Josh and I get up to change her and then low and behold she started pooping.  WAHOO.  I have never been so happy to see poop in all my life.  She had a lot. It kept coming and coming.  She filled the diaper and then proceeded to poop into my hand (don’t worry I was also holding a wipe).   Josh was so excited he promised to buy her a car someday, which will probably come back to haunt us.  Soon the doc came in, tested her and gave us a great report.  Baby girl was healthy and happy and no longer jaundiced.  
Dont I look fabulous haha

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