Today I would like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the best sister in the world. I am not going to embarrass her by making one of those lists of the 100 reasons why I love her, but I will list a few.
-Ceri you are one amazing sister, wife, and soon to be MOTHER!!
-You always calm me down when I call just a-raging.
-You look out for me.
-When I was a freshman in college I would have been lost if you had not been there!
-You find the best nick-knacks (who knows how to spell that) At all the best stores.
-You can find a grant for anything and everything!
-You make me laugh constantly ☺
-You are organized to a T!
-You have amazing fashion sense.
-You are rational…I am not!
-You are gorgeous!
I look up to you in so many ways! I love you very much and hope you have the best birthday ever.
Sorry for breaking on to your blog to write this…I just had to! ☺