Josh surprised Evelyn and I with a weekend getaway to PC. This year has been so difficult in that we don't see a lot of Josh. He is starting his rotation in the ICU this week and his hours are LONG. It will be 2 months of rare Josh sitings. Thankfully Josh decided that we needed a little quality family time before this rotation started.
Evelyn and I waiting for dad to get home. She wanted to take pictures of herself then see them on the back of the camera.
Since we were in PC a hike was a must. The colors are just starting to change and the weather couldnt have been better. Josh found a hike in Deer Valley to the top of bald peak. It was gorgeous and so much fun.
At the end of our hike E found some flowers. She loves flowers and wants everyone around her to smell them.
A cute girl in her backpack.
A breeze and curly hair equal hair magic
Checking out the view. It was gorgeous.
My loves.
Of course as soon as she got out of the back pack she poops. A tleast there was some soft grass and shade to change her.
Evelyn loves to climb up on everything. Her favorite spot this trip was the window sill while playing peek a boo with daddy.
Where is your nose?
On a drive around downtown PC we ran across the public library. There was this amazing piano and park outside that we had to stop and check out.
I think we have a pianist in the works
I just had to take this picture. Evelyn sure does love her daddy.
It was an amazing trip with my amazing family. I know the next 2 months will be hard, but we can do it :)