Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Park City

Josh surprised Evelyn and I with a weekend getaway to PC.  This year has been so difficult in that we don't see a lot of Josh.  He is starting his rotation in the ICU this week and his hours are LONG.  It will be 2 months of rare Josh sitings.  Thankfully Josh decided that we needed a little quality family time before this rotation started.  
Evelyn and I waiting for dad to get home.  She wanted to take pictures of herself then see them on the back of the camera.

Since we were in PC a hike was a must.  The colors are just starting to change and the weather couldnt have been better.  Josh found a hike in Deer Valley to the top of bald peak.  It was gorgeous and so much fun.  

At the end of our hike E found some flowers.  She loves flowers and wants everyone around her to smell them. 

A cute girl in her backpack. 

A breeze and curly hair equal hair magic 

Checking out the view.  It was gorgeous.

My loves.  

Of course as soon as she got out of the back pack she poops.  A tleast there was some soft grass and shade to change her.  

Evelyn loves to climb up on everything.  Her favorite spot this trip was the window sill while playing peek a boo with daddy. 

Where is your nose?

On a drive around downtown PC we ran across the public library.  There was this amazing piano and park outside that we had to stop and check out.

I think we have a pianist in the works

I just had to take this picture.  Evelyn sure does love her daddy. 

It was an amazing trip with my amazing family.  I know the next 2 months will be hard, but we can do it :)  


1) She has quiet the temper.  She gets so worked up that she can't clam down.  I try to help her breath and calm down, but so far no luck.  Hopefully she will learn...soon.
2) She went shopping with Josh and I and was just overwhelmed with all the "pretty" clothes.  She walks in all wide eyed and rubs her hand all over the clothes.  She hands me the clothes that she likes.  Luckily she doesn't expect me to buy them...for now :)
3) I pulled out her minni DVD player for the first time.  She was in heaven.  She pulled up her blanket, grabbed her pillow and watched Tinker Bell.  
4) When she gets really excited she runs around screaming.  
5) She has started to get really excited when daddy comes home. 
6) She MUST pull up a chair to the kitchen counter and help me cook.  I love my cooking buddy.  
7) She insists on drinking out of her toy tea cup.  During lunch I have to get a glass of water and constantly refill her tea cup.
8) We bough Finding Nemo to watch as a family before Josh went back to work.  Evelyn loved it and couldn't take her eyes off the screen.  It was such a fun/funny family night.
9) We took Evelyn and Jude to the zoo on Monday.  It gave us a glimpse into what having 2 kids might be like.  We survived and actually had a really great day.  Evelyn still doesn't like the gorillas.  
10) I have decided that her favorite animal is a bear.  She has a teddy bear she likes to drag around, teddy bear pi's and her favorite animal at the zoo are the bears.  When you ask her what a bear says she growls with such excitement.  
11) She can now tell us what a sheep, bear, snake, and dog say.  
12) She loves to spend time with Jude (The boy we watch mon/wed).  Yesterday she tried to brush his had and put his shoes on.  She is going to make a great older sister....someday :)
13) Last night she woke up when I went to check on her.  I caved and picked her up and brought her in bed with us.  She LOVES our bed. She snuggled up to the pillow pulled the blanket on herself and soon fell back asleep.  
14) When Josh and I picked her up from nursery yesterday she started to cry.  She had so much fun and didn't want to leave.  
15) She loves my purses.  She has to carry them ALL at the same time.

I just love this beautiful face!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Cabin Getaway

Josh was on a research rotation, which means he had an entire weekend off.  We thought we would celebrate by heading to the cabin.  We originally were going to go alone, but thought it would be way more fun with the fam there.  We had a blast hiking, eating, watching movies and playing games.  
We went on a hike Saturday morning.  These 2 our the cutest.  

We had to take lots of pics of the soon to be newlyweds. 

Dad was so cute with Evelyn.  He was showing her how to water the plants.  

Tried to get E to look at the camera.  Clearly it didn't work.

This girl will find something to climb no matter where we are.

So usually when we go hiking Evelyn wants to be out of her backpack.  So, we normally let her out at the end of the hike to run around.  On this particular hike we decided to stick with tradition and let her run around.  We were clearly wrong.  

Eating lunch in Duck Creek.  

We climbed down in the ice cave.  It was so cold.

Out taking a look at the sunset.  This picture just melts me heart.

We were just a little cold.  Evelyn was trying to get inside my moms coat.  

On our way back from a fantastic weekend :)

Monday, September 8, 2014

A Princess and the Zoo

Evelyn got to go to a Frozen Party.  My child has about a 2 minute stranger danger then she will be your BFF.  This fact also extends to Disney characters.  She was practically sitting in Elsa's lap. 

This dress is one that Ceri wore to her first day of preschool.  I can't believe my little girl fits into it now, and looks so stinkin cute.

My mom came into town to finalize some wedding plans (story to come) We snatched her up and headed to the Hoggle Zoo.  I have never been to this particular zoo and I was impressed with how many animals they have and all the different attractions.

My favorite part of the day was the bird show.  They had all different kinds that would fly almost uncomfortably close over head.

Evelyn and the Eagle

This tiger scared me.  you can't tell front his picture but it was soooo close to the window.  I have never been so close to such a big animal.  I had to keep reminding myself that there was a separation between this big animal and us.  
My mom bought E and I some refillable zoo drinks (she is the best) to use every time we go.  Evelyn loved hers so much she chugged the entire thing over lunch.  My girl would drink her calories if I let her.

One Fine Day

On one of Joshs's days off we took little Miss Evelyn Vegetable picking.  There is a farm out in Layton that will allow you to come to their farm and pick as many veggies as you would like.  We had a blast heading up and watching Evelyn enjoy being in her element...the dirt :)  She was furious when it was time to go.  We were filthy at the end of our adventure, but the fresh salsa later made from our hard work made up for that.  

Look at those hard working hands

"Mom are you coming?"

Her favorite food by far was the tomatoes.  She was thrilled with each one dad handed her.  She promptly took it from him and brought it to our bag.

Love this face. 

My busy busy bee

Later that day we headed to the Bee's game.  We were just going to go and sit in the cheap seats with a blanket.  Luckily, when we got there a man came up to us and offered us amazing seats.  It was so kind and we felt so incredibly lucky.  Evelyn did great at the game.  She was happy watching the mascot and listening/dancing to the music.  She was such a social girl saying hi to everyone around us.  It couldn't have been a better day.  I just am so blessed to have these 2 wonderful people mine forever.