Tuesday, September 16, 2014


1) She has quiet the temper.  She gets so worked up that she can't clam down.  I try to help her breath and calm down, but so far no luck.  Hopefully she will learn...soon.
2) She went shopping with Josh and I and was just overwhelmed with all the "pretty" clothes.  She walks in all wide eyed and rubs her hand all over the clothes.  She hands me the clothes that she likes.  Luckily she doesn't expect me to buy them...for now :)
3) I pulled out her minni DVD player for the first time.  She was in heaven.  She pulled up her blanket, grabbed her pillow and watched Tinker Bell.  
4) When she gets really excited she runs around screaming.  
5) She has started to get really excited when daddy comes home. 
6) She MUST pull up a chair to the kitchen counter and help me cook.  I love my cooking buddy.  
7) She insists on drinking out of her toy tea cup.  During lunch I have to get a glass of water and constantly refill her tea cup.
8) We bough Finding Nemo to watch as a family before Josh went back to work.  Evelyn loved it and couldn't take her eyes off the screen.  It was such a fun/funny family night.
9) We took Evelyn and Jude to the zoo on Monday.  It gave us a glimpse into what having 2 kids might be like.  We survived and actually had a really great day.  Evelyn still doesn't like the gorillas.  
10) I have decided that her favorite animal is a bear.  She has a teddy bear she likes to drag around, teddy bear pi's and her favorite animal at the zoo are the bears.  When you ask her what a bear says she growls with such excitement.  
11) She can now tell us what a sheep, bear, snake, and dog say.  
12) She loves to spend time with Jude (The boy we watch mon/wed).  Yesterday she tried to brush his had and put his shoes on.  She is going to make a great older sister....someday :)
13) Last night she woke up when I went to check on her.  I caved and picked her up and brought her in bed with us.  She LOVES our bed. She snuggled up to the pillow pulled the blanket on herself and soon fell back asleep.  
14) When Josh and I picked her up from nursery yesterday she started to cry.  She had so much fun and didn't want to leave.  
15) She loves my purses.  She has to carry them ALL at the same time.

I just love this beautiful face!

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