Tuesday, February 3, 2015


1) Our little girl has the best expressions.  The faces that she can make truly make me think she is made of plastic.  Josh and I took her on our anniversary date and while there she was so goofy that we couldn't help but record it. 
2) Today we left Jude's house and she cried most of the way home asking for hot him.
3) She has developed a horrible cough and runny nose this week.  Listening to her cough in the night is just heartbreaking.  Luckily, this cough has brought up a great teaching moment on how to cover your mouth.  She gets it about 20% of the time.
4) The last 2 nights when I ask her to go to bed she gets her blanket and gets on mine.  I was curious to see what she would do if I really left her on my bed.  I told her that she could sleep in my bed as long as she stayed there, if she got up she would go in her crib.  To my surprise, she stayed in bed!!!  She played for about an hour then fell right to sleep.  I was so proud of her.  
5) Unfortunately she is still hitting others.  Ive learned that if I put her in a situation that keeps her from feeling threatened she does better, but not 100%.  I know that she feels threatened when other kids are around that are unfamiliar to her, but I can't always fix that.  Hopefully she grows out of this soon.  
6) She has turned into a little chatter box.  She has added yes, blue, purple, yellow and hi to her vocabulary.  She loves to say hi to cars that pull up to us at stoplights.  I love her enthusiasm to welcome everyone :)
7) She is obsessed with babies.  She points them out WHEREVER we go.  She loves all sorts of babies real ones, dolls, babies in books, baby animals etc.  She loves to take her babies, wrap them up, feed them and put them to bed. 

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