Wednesday, May 22, 2013


1) Evie laughed for the first time today.  It was small, but a definite laugh.  Im so proud to be the one to finally pull it out of her, and glad that Josh was there to hear it. 
2) She is sooooooo attached to me.  She does not like for Josh to hold her if she is trying to fall asleep, wake up, or a tad bit grumpy.
3) We went to the pool this week and she dipped her toes in.  At first she wasn’t a fan, mostly do to the water temp, but then she got used to it and loved it.
4) She slept for 7 straight hours.  It was a 1 time thing, but I was so grateful.
5) I just put away all of the clothes that don’t fit, and pulled out the new ones.  It makes me so happy to see her growing, but so sad to no longer have my newborn.
6) She has lost her newborn cry.
7) She loves playing with her toys.
8) She loves to sing along to Disney music.
9) She hates to nap.  She fights it so hard, and more times then not would rather skip it.  Would love for her to take a nap longer than 45 minutes.
10) She coos and talks quite a bit. 
11) She pooped on Josh’s shirt…welcome to the club babe.
12) She still sucks on her hands any chance she can get.

Just love my baby girl!

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