Sunday, July 20, 2014


It has been far too long since I updated the Evie-isms.  This little girl of ours is growing too fast.  Here are a few things she has been doing lately.

1) She is sooo sassy.  Im at the point where I need to start instigating time out (sad face).  It is time to nip it in the bud before she gets too much of the sass :)
2) She is jabbering and jibbering a lot lately.  I wish I knew what she was saying I bet it would be hilarious.
3) When she is mad she whips her head to the side and pulls her arm to her chin where she somewhat hides her face.  She then lets out a lit "hump" noise.  This is some of the sass I was talking about.
4) She knows when she is in trouble.  You can see the gilt across her face.
5) When she runs she has a cute little bounce.  It is so funny to see her bounce across the floor.
6) She does not like to share her people.  If she wants you to hold her and you are holding someone else she will physically try to separate the two of you.
7) Her favorite movie is still Tinker Bell!  She loves to dance to the music on the new Pirate Fairy movie.
8) She loves to be outside.  If we have the chance to go to the park and play in the dirt we take it.
9) She has the funniest growl and laugh right now.  Her laugh is so unique I cant recreate it.  It sounds like a little chipmunk.
10) She is a walking disaster.  She runs into, or falls off just about every surface in our home.  Im scared we may need to start bubble wrapping her.
11) Her favorite food are still bananas or any type of fruit.  Her least favorite food is still milk.
12) We took her to Chick-Fil-A today and she chugged her chocolate milk and my moms lemonade.
13) She is a really good errand runner.  For the most part she likes to be out and about but is not a huge fan of the grocery cart.  I have to bribe her with treats every time.
14) She is a champ at crawling into her stroller all by herself.
15) She loves Grandma Janet's and Grandpa Dave's Ipads.  They have so many fun games on their devices that she wants nothing to do with mine.
16) When we go to Grandma and Grandpas house she looks in every room until she finds them.  It is funny when we go and they are not home because she gets so confused wondering why they are not there.
17) She definitely knows way more then I think.  She is pretty good at following instructions but has developed "selective hearing".
18) She lives to be in the pool.  She will jump in without thinking of the consequences.  This girl has no fear!
19) She is an AMAZING sleeper.  She will go to bed at 8 and wake up at 7:30 and then still take a 2 hour nap.  This morning she didn't wake up until 10:15.  We were late to church.
20) She is able to follow simple instructions.  I love asking her to take something to someone.
21) She can clean up her bath toys without a fight.  Now I wish we could do all the other toys.
22)  She is easily distracted and frequently moves from one activity to the next.

She really is my best friend.  I love her so much.  

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